Gentry Manley will not assume any liability for the information provided herein. Any application of the recommendations or the use of the information by Gentry Manley is at your discretion and sole risk, and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against Gentry Manley as the result of such use of information. To keep attention solely on client-business relationship, information is kept confidential. Sharing of the information given by Gentry Manley is also to be kept confidential to the client. If at any point this is disclosed, Gentry Manley reserves the right to terminate coaching agreement with no refund. It is your responsibility to follow instructions written in the plan to the best of your ability. Once payment is made, there will be no refunds given. No exceptions.
The statements provided by Gentry Manley are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. By submitting payment, you are agreeing to the above disclaimer.